Issue Summary: Hyatt MIAOB datafiles processed successfully, but missing new acounts

Ten datafiles were added recently for the Hyatt connector, MIAOB operating Unit. They processed successfully and look like they have the correct number of records, but I believe there were some new accounts and/or departments that didn’t get added. Please review and reprocess to ensure all new accounts and departments are added. Datafiles in question are below:

Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Budget 2022-ALL.csv
Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Actual 2022-04.csv
Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Actual 2022-03.csv
Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Actual 2022-02.csv
Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Actual 2022-01.csv
Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Actual 2021-12.csv
Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Actual 2020-12.csv
Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Actual 2019-12.csv
Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Actual 2018-12.csv
Sunstone MIAOB Hyatt Actual 2017-12.csv

Issue Status: Issue Solved
Urgency: (2) Normal
Ticket Number: CAS-386756-R2P9F8
Created Date: June 14, 2022
Last Updated: June 15, 2022
Resolution Note: