Issue Summary: Aimbridge Account/Record showing up with incorrect (+/-) sign

Account 47193
Department 21
Operating Unit: 53520000
Datafile: Flynn Aimbridge Actuals 2022-06

The value ($10 in June) is + in the datafile, and it’s a revenue account through the Aimbridge connector, which means the record value should show up – in the output. The sign flipping process is working on all the other records, but not on that one. I did adjust the common account for that account yesterday and reprocess the aimbridge file, but it was just from one revenue account to another, so not sure why that would have happened. Please review and reprocess so it shows up correctly.

Issue Status: Issue Solved
Urgency: (2) Normal
Ticket Number: CAS-387089-P8V8Q8
Created Date: July 20, 2022
Last Updated: July 21, 2022
Resolution Note: